Wednesday, February 4, 2009



老弟的电脑当机。。全部的 data 都不见了!从网上查一查,应该是 Hard Disk 坏了!我的妈呀!有电脑专家可以帮帮忙吗?有什么办法可以 recover lost data 的??

说起来,整件事真的很奇怪。。老娘通常不 delete 照相机里的相片的。。可是不知这次发什么疯。。平时我是 copy and paste。。这次竟然 cut and paste!搞得我一个 backup copy 都没有!更怪的是,我们从巴黎回来,电脑明明是好好的。。。全家人还一起看了部港剧。。第二天,电脑忽然就开不了了!

老娘来瑞士那么久,没掉过一滴泪。。连生病时,都不觉得自己可怜。。。可是,这一次我却不能够控制的哭了。。。我真的很痛心耶。。去这一趟巴黎,花了那么都钱。。既然一张纪念照都没有。。老娘从 Eiffel Tower 拍的风景照超漂亮。。。晚上的 Eiffel Tower,灯全部亮起时,哇!真的非常美。。还有,最生气的是,我第一次去 Disney Land 的相片也没了!这可是我童年的梦想。。。

现在的我还抱着一丝希望。。希望老弟回新加坡后可以把电脑修好。。全部的 data 也还在。。。拜托拜托,就让这是虚惊一场就好了!老娘学到教训了。。那就是什么 files 都要 backup! 电脑啊,有时还真不可靠!


  1. hey so sorry to hear about this, if you are ok, I have ways to recover data from hard disk errors, should have no problems based on past experiences, if your bro can't fix it do let me know ok ~ Promise i will get it up

  2. oh dear... sorry i cant help.. im quite the idiot when it comes PC. only know how to spoil it more... hope everything will turn out fine for you. wait for ur bro to get it repair. dun cry...

  3. aiyo dont cry dont cry. can understand how u feel now also when my data were gone. luckily u got some photos in this blog. faster ask ur bro go to a reliable place to retrieve data, is can do de. but dont go sim lim...they will spoil the com, my friend did b4 retrieve data is ard less than $100 i think...but the com still cnnot be saved la...just back up her c drive. hope everything will be ok!!!

  4. ro Roche: Thank you so much... Ya.. I'll ask my brother to try first.. If really cannot, guess I may need ur help le!!

  5. to Private ID & Q: Im ok now le... Cos I think quite likely not able to retrieve back those pics.. Angry also no use.. Hee.. Only 伤身体.. My brother still gt his laptop warranty.. so ah.. me ask him to try and see how... :P

  6. If you send back to factory they usually dun care and juz format the whole com and you start from scratch. Easier for them to do mah. Techs are very lazy one...maybe you should take out the hard drive and put it in a working computer then retrieve the files from there. Hope its juz your OS crash. :S A spoiled hard drive is a pain...

  7. to yili: Ya.. My bro took the laptop back to Acer.. They say cannot fix... Reformat his whole com.. Now, the pics really gone le... Haha... Almost go crazy when I knew it.. But then now can accept the truth better... :P

  8. to Roche: Thank you for offering ur help.. Think after reformatting the whole com. already 无药可救了 rite?? :P Think it's ok.. Memories keep in my mind 就好了! But really thanks for offering ur help...
